Film Still aus - Shorts Attack - Sundance Shorts

Film Still aus - Shorts Attack - Sundance Shorts

Film Still aus - Shorts Attack - Sundance Shorts

Shorts Attack - Sundance Shorts

110 Min.

7 Filme in 110 Minuten. Das Sundance Film Festival fand im Januar in Park City, Utah (USA) statt und steht für das Potenzial, außergewöhnliche Geschichten zu erzählen. Das Programm bietet eine Mischung aus Spiel-, Dokumentar- und Animationsfilmen, die lustig, traurig, inspirierend und voller starker Charaktere sind. FSK: ab 18
The Sundance Film Festival took place in January in Park City, Utah (USA) and stands for the unique potential to tell stories. The program offers a mix of fiction, documentary and animated films that are funny, sad, inspiring and full of strong characters.

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